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Piano Lessons for Everyone

On Demand + Online Weekly Coaching
Get access to all of the lessons in the At Your Own Pace Lessons as well as Online Weekly Coaching Classes.

Video Courses on Demand
When you finish the At Your Own Pace Series you'll know how to play in all 12 keys on the piano, transpose any song to another key, play fills to make your playing sound fuller and master fast gospel-style piano.

Online Weekly Coaching
You've spent years cultivating your playing but still feel like it's lacking beauty and spice. The LIVE Piano Players Coaching Group classes make sure you're getting the specific help you need!
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What Students are Saying...

Hi, I'm Melody...
I've helped women just like you get better at playing piano for church!
I have found a way to simplify playing that works for my sleep-deprived, over-stressed brain. It’s made me a more confident musician and want to share it with you!
I believe that playing the piano well should be easy to understand and simple to do. I know what it’s like to not have a teacher close and wanted to make this easy for anyone, anywhere to access. Pushing through fear and confusion are the keys to loving the way you play!
I'm spilling ALL MY TRICKS through my piano courses so you can play your best!
Instant Access to FREE Piano Classes
Jump Start Lessons
If you want to learn numbers or start with the basics, this FREE series will give you all the tools you need!
Play in Every Key
Being a great piano player starts with being able to play in every key. Learn how to flow and play spontaneously.
Worship Transitions
Struggle with what to play between songs? I'm spilling all of my inside secrets about how to play background music.
You're discouraged about your playing because...
You play the same way you did 10 years ago.
No matter how hard you try you can't make fast songs sound good.
Chord charts make you feel stuck because you don't know what to play in between chords.

Stay Tuned
Get on the waitlist to know when lessons open and get piano tips!