Routines to fit playing piano into your crazy life!

apostolicchurch apostolicmusician hgrmusic margin pianoplayer thegoodnessmaegin May 17, 2022

Here’s what I hear most from students - they struggle with "finding time" to practice. It seems like we (as women) easily place other demands above our own desires and it leaves us feeling defeated! 


I'm in the middle of a transition season so I totally relate to this too! Because most of us are at home we see and feel the pressure to finish everything before we invest in ourselves. Laundry, Dishes, cleaning, cooking, errands, etc take precedence but leave us feeling empty at the end of the day. Also, I can't focus if my house is a mess! 


My friend, Shelley Coon @thegoodnessmargin has the best advice on how to help our physical and mental habits so that we can find time to go for our dreams. Link her video here


For me visual clutter is mental clutter! I wish I wasn’t wired that way, but it feels like I can’t breathe or focus when things are a mess. Chances are, more of us may be like this than we realize….that’s why we find it calming to go to a coffee shop and work. The atmosphere, lighting, music and smell make it easier to focus. 


It took me years (I’m almost 40) to realize that I was making life hard on myself! I set a goal of checking ALL of my to-do list items off in one day. (I can hear you smiling…. I know it was crazy!) It took the insight of my friends to help me see, I was driving myself crazy!! Here’s a statement that helped me calm down in the mornings….


“So how do we get it all done? Well, first of all, we don’t.”

  • Shelley Coon @thegoodnessmargin

I realize that unlearning the stories I’ve told myself for years isn’t an overnight process, but it is possible to relax. The thing that got me is when I realized that 10 years had easily gone by and I’d been busy with so many things but few of the things that fulfilled me. I FELT WORTHLESS AND BEHIND. My priorities were out of whack, Check out this blog by @thegoodnessmargin on “Creating Margin for the Important Things”

While we all realize that our responsibilities are important, I believe we are also called to steward the gifts God has given us. Remember the parable of the talents!!   




If you need a clean(er) space to justify spending time practicing the piano, here are a few quick clean ideas:

  1. Set a timer for 15 minutes + focus on organizing the mess into stations. 
  2. All of the trash goes in the trashcan. 
  3. Dishes get piled in the sink. 
  4. Laundry gets thrown in the laundry room


Wala! Your house already feels “picked up!” and now there’s mental space for you to focus on the piano for a few minutes. Now let’s talk about mindsets when it comes to practice time because I tend to wayyyyy overcomplicate this…. Let me know if you relate!


You Don’t have to be “Ready” to play. Even messy practice will make you feel accomplished. Here are some ways you can do this.

  1. Set a timer for 15 minutes
  2. Play a song you already know
  3. Now try to play it in a key you’re not as comfortable in.


The last trick up my sleeve is to look for practicing pockets. Think of times of the day when this may work for you. Here are some ideas to get you started. 

  1. When you first wake up. With coffee in hand, this will jumpstart your day is the perfect addition to your devotional time.
  2. If you have kids find times when they’re occupied: school, bath time, sleep/nap time, playing outside. Remember you only need 15 minutes. 
  3. Habit stacking ideas: singing + playing, face or hair mask + playing, oil pulling + practice


My wish is that these tips give you permission to show up in a way that’s best for you. There’s no right or wrong girl, just show up!

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