Tips for Getting Dressed on Sunday Morning

apostolicchurch apostolicmusician church churchmusic churchoutfits hgrmusic pianoplayer Apr 13, 2022

If you’re familiar with the Enneagram personality typing system, I’m a 5 with a strong wing 6! That just means I’m a low-key, no frills or a no-nonsense kind of girl! I want to fix my hair in the morning and have it last through an entire day at the amusement park, playing tennis, making dinner and cleaning house! (Maybe that’s why I use so much hairspray! :)


As a woman I understand how our confidence is connected to how we perceive ourselves, we can be our own worst critics, can I get an amen?


I want to be clear! Dressing cute DOES NOT DEFINE YOU! You don’t have to have the latest style, make a lot of money or attend the latest conference. Brands don’t matter! You’re a child of the king. You are valuable because you serve Him! Your value comes from your commitment and dedication to God. Prayer, devotion and being faithful to your local church should be at the top of your priority list. As a musician, you should always strive to exhibit the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. Meaning if you are full of the spirit or call yourself a child of God you should do ALL of these!


Now that that’s out of the way I thought it would be fun to talk a little bit about styling clothes as a church musician.


I like to base my outfits off of a few base pieces and a specific color scheme….kind of like a capsule wardrobe. I used to think that investing in a capsule wardrobe meant I would wear 2 black outfits for the rest of my life, but capsule doesn’t mean bland. I’ve discovered that shopping by color is actually a better way to go!


Have you ever had a day when you threw something on, slicked your hair back and got tons of compliments on your style?! It’s probably because of the color you’re wearing. Narrowing down what colors actually look good on me helped me not feel like I have to constantly shop for new clothes. After all, I just wanted to feel/look  cute with minimal effort!


I’m not a style expert so I want to recommend a few topics that you should look up on YouTube. 


How to Find Colors That Look Good on You 


How to Choose the Colors You Want in Your Wardrobe  


If you need help figuring out how to start a colorful capsule wardrobe, here are some videos you can check out. Use the same ideas, just replace pants with skirts of the same color. :)


Just look up How to Build a COLORFUL CAPSULE WARDROBE on YouTube 

There are some style tips I have made on my own because I don’t like wearing uncomfortable clothes or shoes that hurt my feet. I don’t want to have foot surgery at 45. Sometimes I wear flats to mid-week service. If that doesn’t fit your style, that’s fine. But if your feet hurt, wear the flats!!! In fact, years ago I started sitting while I played piano. I was putting most of my weight on my left leg because my right foot was controlling the sustain pedal. I realized that with soundcheck, service and altar call combined I was standing on one leg in a pair of heels for hours! No wonder my back, legs and neck were killing me.


Tips for Getting Dressed on Sunday Morning

  1. Pick out your clothes the night before
  2. Put EVERYTHING you’re wearing together (clothes, shoes, accessories)
  3. Wear the same outfit for both services (change your undershirt if you have to) - I got this tip from a classy preachers wife. She did this with her family and said it saved them a lot of stress on Sundays.


How to use Style Inspo with what you already have

  1. Find outfit inspo on IG or Pinterest.
  2. Save those ideas on the apps or screen shot them on your phone.
  3. Use items in your closet to replicate the same idea.

I’ve minimized my wardrobe down to 3 main colors: fuschia, bright or dark green, cobalt blue. The rest of my closet is white, black or neutral. Since bold colors look best on me, I won’t wear a light colored shirt but a light colored skirt will work. (add my color spot examples)

If an item of clothing has a pattern; as long as the dominant color is in my color pallet I think it’s ok to wear.


Learning to Accessorize:

  1. Use 1 simple accessory (belt or neck scarf)
  2. Shoes don’t always have to match
  3. Add a classy belt


My hope in sharing the tips I use is that you’ll be able to dress more confidently without breaking the bank. Remember that you are created in God’s image and beautiful just the way you are!


Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel and let me know which style tips you’re going to try out!

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